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Fitur :
Best Scale MMORPG Game
- Big Scale Open World Real-Time Epic Play
- Real-time PC PvP effects MMORPG with a Beautiful Story and Tremendous Scale
- Continuous Updates for the Best Service
- Be the one who enjoys the awesome adventure of the game.
- As you start, reach level 100! A Different Scale Level Up Speed
- Change your character to a unique one from the endless raising level-up system and experience the unlimited level up.
- No more of boring Action! Now is the time for the real-time action!
- Experience the awesome PvP and survival action.
- crush down enormous boss monsters with a big raid of 25 party players.
- An Elite Dungeon Challenge of Your Limit
- Prove your own strength by crushing different scale elite monsters!
- A Powerful Boss Challenge with Guild Members!
- A community system that assembles a close team
- Grow the best guild and relationship ever and receive awesome benefits from guild duties!
- different types of collection; Wings, Pets, Mounts, and Transform!
- Collect unique and attractive collectives now!
- Never ending thrill and action on the field PK!
- Be the best and top of the unlimited PK battle survival.
Tampilan Game RebirthM Apk Release Terbaru Obt For Android :
game informasi :
- name RebirthM
- Version 0.00.0043
- File type Apk
- For platorm Android 4.4 And up
- Genre RPG
- Mode online
- Size Apk 63MB
- By Caret Games
- Update 17 July 2018
Link Download Game RebirthM Apk terbaru For Android MMORPG :
File Apk